Hams love to meet up in person, and M2M provides the opportunity to get together and “see” the voice they have been in contact.
Club Dinner
Once a year MCARC members spend an evening at dinner with white elephant gifts, 50-50 raffles and gift drawings.
Summer Picnic
What is better than food, friends, and fresh air? When it is at the MCARC picnic!
Old Timer’s” Lunch
Ray Pick W8MFU wants to remind us that the “Old Timers” (and not so old) meet monthly for lunch and natter on the third Tuesday at 12:00 noon, at
Royal Buffet, 3835 Pearl Rd, Medina, OH 44256. It is at the SE corner of SR-42 and Fenn Road. You do not have to be a MCARC member.
Come join us, we’re a friendly group!
Social Gatherings
We often have get-togethers for a variety of reasons. Check the newsletter or calendar for current events.